To put it in short, I am a very straightforward person. This is why I put all info, including pricing right on this site. I am the kind of friend who will tell you that you got something stuck in your teeth without any awkwardness because I don’t want you to feel embarrassed in front of others.



I’m a lover of light, great books, and street tacos (I live for some good lime-cilantro dressing).

My friends say that I have a bubbly personality. It’s true. Sometimes in life you need to experience bitter things in order to truly enjoy the sweet ones. I try to find positives in everything.

My business is built on the foundation of honesty, joy, professionalism, experience and knowledge. This has helped me always make the right choice and proudly stand behind my work.


My Degree Means A Lot

Photography and many academic scholarships have carried me through college financially. I can definitely say I broke the system and graduated debt-free because I studied harder than ever and followed my passion.

I graduated with a bachelor’s in advertising & video production in December of 2019. Brigham Young University - Idaho is what molded me into who I am today.

With that knowledge I am able to bless the lives of many people around me and my heart is full of gratitude.

My husband took this picture. He’s good, isn’t he? :)


I was also a bride. I understand.

It honestly was the most stressful time of my life to get engaged in November, spontaneously decide to get married in December (yes, the next month), and deal with school and work on top of that :D

You know how sometimes you ask the first random person from the crowd to take a picture for you? So I asked HIM :D and that’s how we met.

And after he took that picture for my friend and I, we kept talking and never let each other go.

Yes, apparently you can meet your spouse by asking to take a photo too!

Which makes this story so ironic because my whole life revolves around picture-taking.

Oh boy, I always have some fun stories to tell!

Let’s be friends!